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EA & Marketing Fusion

This is just a quickie to share my excitement that just a very crazy idea at the beginning becomes reality tomorrow.

In just one day EA will fully organize and drive a whole day off-site workshop (picnic style;) ) for marketing [retail] people with the goal of understanding customer perspective via customer journeys, map customer experience and explore potential for innovation outside the usual boundaries.  This all through gamestorming, story telling and touch of design thinking… and of course with a lot of passion. I hope for an interesting outcomes, but even without that, it’s at least the first step to a huge mindset shift from bank’s view of the customer to customer’s view of the bank. And a huge step to understand EA as much more than just IT architecture.

Thanks goes to the head of retail marketing for open mind and courage to take his people and do something so unusual for our culture. Thanks to all the smart people out there that are an incredible source of inspiration.

Wish us luck and should you be interested, follow the progress live on @OndrejGalik starting on Wednesday 9:00 CET.


Categories: EA
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